代立,男,讲师,山东临沂人,1991年1月生,荷兰埃因霍温理工大学博士。目前主要研究兴趣为农村人居环境整治与农户行为响应机制、全域土地综合整治、基于自然的解决方案等。发表SSCI/SCI等学术论文若干篇。担任《Journal of Urban Management》《Sustainable Cities and Society》《Journal of Cleaner Production》等SSCI/SCI期刊匿名审稿人。
2023.02 - 至今,365游戏中心官网地址房地产经济与工程管理系 讲师
2017.09–2022.10 博士 建筑环境 荷兰埃因霍温理工大学
2014.09–2017.06 硕士 工程管理 武汉大学
2010.09–2014.06 学士 张之洞班/工程管理专业 365游戏中心官网地址
1. Smart Cities and Communities Nature-based Solutions, UNALAB Project (SCC-2-2016-2017), 2017.06-2020.02,已结题,参与;
2. Residential Green Retrofit and public participation in Boschdijk, Eindhoven, Horizon 2020 Project (No. 730052), 2020.03-2021.04,已结题,主持;
3. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目,71373190):重大建设项目工程移民的致贫机理、住区重构和社会融合:快速城市化视角,2014.1-2017.12,已结题,参与;
4. 三峡库区城镇移民小区综合帮扶技术标准体系研究,国务院三峡工程管理办公室课题,2016-2017,已结题,参与;
5. 宁夏固原海绵城市PPP项目效益风险评估与退出机制研究,社会服务课题,2018-2020,参与,结题;
1. Dai, L., Han, Q., de Vries, B. & Wang, Y. Exploring key determinants of willingness to participate in EIA decision-making on urban infrastructure projects. Jan 2022, Sustainable Cities and Society. 76, 13 p., 103400. (IF: 10.696, JCR: Q1);
2. Dai, L., Han, Q., de Vries, B. & Wang, Y. Applying Bayesian Belief Network to Explore Key Determinants for Nature-based Solutions’ Acceptance of Local Stakeholders. 10 Aug 2021, Journal of Cleaner Production. 310, 127480. (IF: 11.072, JCR: Q1);
3. Wang, Z., Han, Q., de Vries, B. & Dai, L. Insights into the Correspondence Between Land Use Pattern and Spatial Distribution of Rail Transit Services. Dec 2021, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy. 14, 4, p. 907-928 22 p. (IF: 2.043, JCR: Q2);
4. Wang, B., Dai, L., & Liao, B. (2023). System Architecture Design of a Multimedia Platform to Increase Awareness of Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of Sustainable Cultural Heritage. Sustainability, 15(3), 2504. (IF: 3.889, JCR: Q2)
5. 汪洋, 代立, 周颖. 基于可持续性视角的城市土地集约利用模糊逻辑评价与诊断. 中国土地科学, 2016.5. (SSCI)